
Video Surveillance + Weapons Detection

Ingressovision is the first-of-its-kind video surveillance package that pairs with an advanced weapons detection system.

Depending on the ingress system, this feature allows for a front-and-back or 180º view of your entry locations, increasing your situational awareness. Because video surveillance is built into Ingressotek only CEIA OpenGate and Evolv Express units, there’s no need for added infrastructure or setup. The cloud-based Milestone (VMS) system meets all industry standards for security and allows your team to remotely monitor crucial ingress points in real-time from afar.

Ingressotek Evolve Gate
Ingressotek Logo Ingressovision
With the Ingressovision add-on, you also gain access to critical event-based analytics, such as:
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Streamlined ingress data
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Subject recognition
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Staff auditing analytics
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Archived event ingress videos
When staff is low or extra security is needed in a “blackout” area, Ingressovision will alert the entire team when there is a potential threat. The results speak for themselves. Talk to our team to learn how we can integrate Ingressovision into your security plan today.